Kylie Monek - IT201-006 - Project 1
I created a winter wonderland painting program in which the user can choose between two 3D symbols (snowman and snowflake) and can swap between three backgrounds (frozen lake, winter terrain, and aurora borealis). The left mouse is used to click, the right mouse is used to drag. Mouse coordinates are displayed on the bottom left corner. The symbols can rotate and change size as you continue to click or drag, and disappear after a few seconds.
Feature 1: Paint Feature Input: User left clicks to paint
Output: An object is drawn where the object is clicked
Feature 2: Change Prefab
Input: User chooses a 3D object from the dropdown menu
Output: The chosen object is displayed on screen
Feature 3: Change Backdrop
Input: User chooses a backdrop from the dropdown menu
Output: The chosen backdrop is displayed on screen
Feature 4: Display Mouse Position Input: Mouse Location Output: X & Y coordinates are displayed on the bottom left screen